Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Arwen! Arwen is such our princess! She is just gorgeous. (I think!!) Arwen is a really good, well-behaved child. She takes pride in keeping her room clean and helps a lot around the house...sometimes even without any complaint! Arwen takes ballet lessons and really enjoys them. She comes up with the FUNNIEST things to say ever. She is getting older, and with age comes SASSINESS, I am learning. I'm pretty sure she thinks she knows everything and loves to roll her eyes at me when I get surprised with something new she has learned. Arwen loves to read books. She loves to draw, play with scissors and tape, and put creations on my wall. She usually tapes them up, but the other day she told me that she was sick of me taking them off and so she GLUED her artwork to the wall so I couldn't take it off! She is really growing up fast. My little baby starts kindergarten soon!! How we love our Arnie!

Arwen has so much beautiful hair for a 5 year old and it sure looks cute when we do it up!
I loved this shot of her feet!
Check out that pouty, seductive look!! What am I gonna do with her??

1 comment:

grandma marshmallow said...

amazingly beautiful look.
These pictures really are amazing. I wish your friend could take our family photographs this December! I've never seen all your children so clean all at once :-) :-)

Beautiful picture sweet Arwen