Tuesday, August 01, 2006

We played with chalk all afternoon yesterday. Noah had fun for a bit, but then had more fun throwing the chalk at Arwen.

This is a picture of Arwen and her friend Jake. She says Jake is sad because he misses her.

This was her first picture of Jake. I ran inside to get the camera and when I got back she had made him into a scurvey pirate! (at least that's what I think he looks like--she said he was sad and crying!)


Jen said...

he does miss her! I showed him the picture, and he told me we had to buy chalk to draw a picture of Arwen...too bad we don't have a driveway for awhile...we'll have to try on paper!

heidi nielsen said...

We played with the neighbor's sidewalk chalk the other day but Austin was more interested in what each color tasted like than in drawing =)