Thursday, July 27, 2006

This is what happened: The bean bag was in the kitchen and both kids ran towards it at the same time from opposite directions. I don't know how they collided--probably Arwen hit the top of Noah's head, but her poor lip and teeth look pretty painful! Her gums above two of her upper teeth are bruised. Don't worry--this hasn't affected her appetite at all!! Here's the day after shot.


heidi nielsen said...

Austin face planted a couple of days ago outside and got a fat lip, but not that bad. He bruised his upper gums and got mad when we would try to brush his teeth, but his teeth seem to be in fine condition thank goodness.

Bethany said...

How sad! Those little boys and their hard domes. Evan has given me a few fatties, but not half as bad as poor Arwen's. She is looking so much older. What a pretty little thing.

Jen said...

from Jake: how her lip get bloody? i hope her mouth feels better. did she go to the doctor? i miss you arwen.