Wednesday, August 23, 2006

We are currently experiencing the Nielsen Family Plague right now. Well, Noah and Arwen are. Sunday, was the day of the yucky tummies. Yesterday was the day of the fever. Noah's max temperature was 105.8 degrees. When I called his nurse she didn't believe me and made me take it again. (Tell me about it lady--the first time I saw it, I thought for sure the thermometer was broken and I rechecked it!) Then a few hours later, Arwen had a fever too. She kept telling me that her brain hurt. Poor baby. Today is the day of the spots. Noah is covered head to toe in red spots. The hotter he gets, the redder they get. He was bright red in the bathtub today! Arwen has a few spots on her face. I must be a bad mom because I think I prefer them when they have the fevers and just lay on the couch and sleep. The minute Noah's drugs kicked in, he started running around and making up for all the mischief he didn't get into during the day! It will be interesting to see what we get tomorrow! (Let's just hope Josh will escape the plague--even after Arwen sneezed on him this afternoon!)


Jen said...

Man! Let me guess...a virus? Good luck! Hopefully Josh doesn't get it!

Mike said...

Wow, I've been sick as well but no spots. I just hope I recover before I have to stay awake for 12 hours driving a huge truck to California

Unknown said...

Yea, just another virus--probably 5th's or roseola or hand foot mouth. You've got to love it! The worst part is Noah hasn't eaten in 4 days and is withering away again.

Bethany said...

That sounds awful. Poor babies!