Aaron is on his sabbatical right now. Intel gives its employees 2 months off every 7 years that they work for the company. He has been able to take it since last spring, but they were not able to let him leave until now because he is just too darn good at what he does! We started our long vacation out by leaving to go to Denver to visit my parents and brother and sister and their new spouses. We had so much fun!! We got there just in time for the 4th of July. Fireworks are illegal in Aurora...where my parents live, but somehow my sister's husbands family manages to get away with putting on a huge show in their neighborhood every year because a fire fighter lives across the street. Up until this year, Noah has been SCARED to DEATH of fireworks. He doesn't really like loud noises...though Noah is LOUD NOISE! He amazed us all this year. He is legendary in this neighborhood. I don't think they will ever forget him!
Yes, that sparkler is right next to his face! He would run around and try and light other firecrackers with his sparklers.
He was too much fun to watch.
This was the only picture we got of Noah doing this super funny, wild fireworks dance. He would shake his bum and wave his arms and shout, "I love it, I love it, I love it, Kung Fu!" He was seriously hilarious! Everyone was watching him and not the fireworks.
Sweet Joshua fell asleep in Grandpa Dana's arms.
Grandpa loved it until Joshua wet his pants...
This is Noah trying to light already expired fireworks.
Arwen had a fun time too!
Noah was so passionate about how great this night was. He told me that it was "the best night of his life!"
After we got done with all the fountains and sparklers, the adults set off the big fireworks. All of Noah's courage melted away. I think he was really tired and it was really cold outside. He just cowered in Aaron's arms, whimpering until he fell asleep.

That was the best 4th of July ever! "I love it, I love it, I love it...Kungfu!!!!!"
I love your pictures. Talk to Grandma and Grandpa Green. They really enjoyed your visit. Hope you guys enjoy the rest of your time!
Ha ha, poor pee soaked grandpa.
How long were you there? I wish our vacations to Denver would overlap sometime-I would love to actually meet your kids in real life! We just got home from being there for a week.
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