Sunday, May 17, 2009

I'm excited about our garden. We've got peas, carrots, cucumbers (for pickles), corn, tomatoes, and various peppers. We're giving a small garden a try this year and will expand next year to another bed or two.
We let the kids water the garden and they enjoy it. Weeding is a little beyond them right now (luckily there is not much weeding needed yet) as they can't tell a good plant from a weed. We've lost some bleeding heart flowers out front to the helpfulness of the kids while we were weeding. Though we've lost even more flowers out front just because the naughty little kids like to pick them. (by naughty kids, Aaron means just Noah!) The fact that they pick them for their mother usually keeps them out of trouble though. (I'm pretty sure they weren't picked for me...and he did get in!!)


Grandma Carrot said...

Good for you guys...maybe Noe will eat his vegetables!

Mike said...

Great garden. That sounds like a fun family project. Aaron, you need to try some cabbages. Meghan mentioned that she had a friend who's family would make Sauerkraut from cabbage they grew and it was much better than anything store bought.

aarastas said...

Sauerkraut sounds fun, though I'm the only one would like it. I'd love to try it. Everyone will get excited about pickles for starters though, kind of the same.

Meghan said...

I have always wanted to make homemade pickles. I had a friend once in middle school who's family would do it every year and they even had spicy ones. As a 12 yr old kid it was the greatest thing to happen to me. And that sauerkraut was to die for.

Anonymous said...

Quick question, how do I post onto "Odd Topics" blog, I have some pictures that I have taken that I would like to add

Jen said...

NICE! I am jealous. You have to start gardens later here, and do to our trip, it got started on Memorial Day. I can't WAIT until things start popping up though!