Thursday, November 09, 2006

We finally got our new camera! We ended up getting the Canon Rebel XTi. When Aaron got home from work, he put the lens on it and got it ready and such and then had to run off to Young Mens. I gave the kids a bath and then put them in bed. So imagine our surprise when we go and take a few pictures we had taken off and found this picture. Aaron asked if I took it. I told him no and said it must have been him. He said he didn't. Then we both freaked out because we figured out that NOAH took it of himself. All this right after we talked about making sure to put the camera up after every use so Noah could not break it! After a while though, I realized that we had taken the memory card out of our old camera that Noah sometimes plays with. He must have snatched the camera one day and did a photo shoot of himself. He got a couple of great shots!


Jen said...

WOW! You guys got a nice camera! I'm jealous! Troy thinks we should get one for Christmas. Can you believe it? That's what Troy thinks. Anyways...I'm jealous! Way to go Noah!

Anonymous said...

If Troy says then...DO IT! I love it. The only thing that will take a little getting used to is that you have to look through the window--you can't just look at the image on the screen to take the picture.

Jen said...

I always do that anyways, so I'm not worried about that...I would rather do things to the house though...we'll see how much money we have when the time comes!

Meghan said...

I love that camera! Its so darn nice, Afton's mom has it. You can take pictures so fast, so awesome! That is so silly about Noah, but yest, put it in a safe place!

Jen said...

Oh, I forgot to tell Aaron not to lose it! :) Hee Hee!