Sunday, July 17, 2005

Our poor little girl managed to come down with a double ear infection this week. She's getting better. I got a new calling as the compassionate service leader. I'm excited. It should be fun. Me and Aaron have been making jersey topping eating it on black walnut icecream with carmel and hot fudge sauce. It's sooo yummy.

She was in a bad mood and we asked her to do something and she said, " I don't even care about anything." So much for all the care bear movies she watches.
Every time we would be in public, Arwen would say real loud, "Oh mama, let me see your pink eye. That's so sad." Thanks for announcing to the world that I had pink eye again!
We were getting out of the car and I told Arwen to stand far away while I got Noah because the man in the car next to us was smoking. She said, "Bad man!" and pointed at him.

Noah was playing on the trampoline while me and Aaron were playing catch. He managed to roll to the one spot on the thing that is missing and spring and rolled right through it and landed on the ground. Poor boy. He had another really nasty fall, but once again it's cause we were negligent parents and it's way too bad to write of--but he's fine!
Me and Arwen make these really yuumy pizzas in our electric skillet with whole wheat tortillas and lots of veggies. One day, Noah ate more of Arwen's pizza than she did!
I found a lady bug when we were out playing and put it on Noah's hand so he could see it. Well, before it could even crawl on him, he put his little hand to his mouth and ate it right up. You should have seen the look on his face as the brown drool came from his mouth. Yuck!!!

Love, NASA

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