Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Arwenism: Arwen had some wise words of advise for us all. Over dinner tonight, she told me that you should never go to the Doctor if your Doctor is a "boy/girl." I asked her what a "boy/girl" was exactly. She said, "It's one of those people who has on boy clothes on one side and girl clothes on the other.--you know, a boy/girl." I asked her if she has ever seen a "boy/girl." First she told me no, then she said she saw it on the movie, "The Series of Unfortunate Events." I asked her why we can't go to "boy/girls" who are Doctors and she looked appalled and said, "Because you might turn into one!"


Jen said...

That is so funny! Jake wouldn't watch that movie if I belted him down. He thinks almost every movie is scary, halfway through a movie he comes and tells me he doesn't want to watch it anymore, and I always ask if it's scary, he says yes, then he ends up watching the rest...wierd kid...he's a softie...

Anonymous said...

Tell Arwen that turning into a boy/girl is scarrier than Alien or Poltergueist which were the two scariest movies I ever saw.

Meghan said...

Ha ha ha!!!