Crazy Friday! It started out well, we went to Ar's ballet lesson and actually had a functioning camera (although the pictures are no good!!). We came home and straightened up the house because Arwen had a friend coming over. I was feeding Josha and Arwen and her friend were upstairs playing in her room. Noah, of course, followed them up to play. Then I heard Noah yelp, and then like 30 seconds later the scream came! I ran upstairs and had to open Ar's door, because Noe's thumb was shut in the hinge part of the door.

I was almost sick when I saw it. It had gotten smashed right below his thumb nail and was hanging there by a little skin. The nail was also just barely hanging off his thumb. I rushed him downstairs amd grabbed a towel to try and stop the bleeding. Then I panicked and called Aaron and asked him what to do, He said, " CALL 911!" (All the guys that Aaron works around looked up as he ran out. "I won't be back!!" He said.) Oh yeah, 911! So I did and the fire truck pulled up in only 2 minutes! They came in and wrapped up Noah's thumb and cleaned up all the blood so the ambulance guys could come in and not slip.

Me and Noah rode in the ambulance to the hospital while the fire fighters stayed at my house until Aaron got there (he pulled up to our street right as me and Noah were driving away.) Aaron walked in to a fire man trying to change Josha's diaper because he had peed himself! They were about to put an IV in Noe in the ambulance to give him morphine, but the poor, tender boy fell asleep in my arms. He woke up when they wheeled us into the ER. Then his Doctor gave him a long lasting local. Poor Noah screamed when that happened! Then he fell asleep. Then Aaron and the kids showed up. I had to feed Josh so Aaron got to go with Noah to get an x-ray taken. That's when he saw the kids thumb.

So you can ask him about it--I really am not exagerrating about how yucky it was!! Noah came back and I got to hold him again and we watched Sponge Bob. What a treat since we don't have cable! Lucky boy got to watch a whole hour of it! Then, of course, right when it got over the crew came in to re-assemble his thumb. He was completely numb, but he could see everything that was happening and he was freaking out! He kept screaming, "Owa, ouchie!!" They stitched the thumb back on and they stitched his nail back to his skin. Then the doctor took a little thing that got red hot and burnt three holes in the nail so that the blood could drain. All the while Noah kept saying, "All done?? All done??" Poor monkey.

After it was all done he got two cups of juice and drank them so fast and had a couple of suckers. Now he has to take codeine every few hours and antibiotics. We have to go and see a plastic surgeon on Tuesday to see what's next. Poor sweet Noe! He was so brave and strong!! Arwen had the time of her life. The nurse's took her out into their work area and set a little place up for her to color, eat, and have treats. She was just chatting up a storm with them. They were sad to see her go! When we got home, our neighbors wanted to know what happened. They felt so bad for Noah. Then they asked if we liked halibut. Of course! Their son is a fisherman up in Alaska and gives them tons of fresh fish. He gave us a 3 lb fresh halibut fillet. We're eating good today!!
That's blood all over Noners shirt.
WOW! I was starting to tell Troy about it, and he told me to stop, cause he was getting nauxious. (Never know how to spell that word...). POOR BOY! Poor Sarah! Lucky Arwen! Isn't it funny how some people think that because a kid pees in his diaper once, it needs a change? Sorry if I'm offending any of you "only child parents" out there...once you have more kids, you realize just how much a diaper can hold! :) Love you guys...sorry for your sad day! Praying all will go well with the plastic surgeon!
That's just wild, and did you just love the conference talk today that told the same story. Glad he's such a tough little kid and hopefully he gets to keep that little thumb of his. Every little boy loves to have cool stories for their battle wounds. He'll be the coolest kid in the nursery now for sure! Arwen is a precious little ballerina!
Great story, too bad little Noah had to be the painful center of it.
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